Toddler Sleep Problems - Bedtime Routines

Parenting is a continuous struggle with their young children, and just when they have got the baby sleeping through the night, they soon realize that they now have toddler sleep problems. When your baby reaches the age of one to two years old, you may find your child resisting, or even refusing to go to sleep. Most physicians agree that toddlers between the ages of one and two years old should be sleeping nine to twelve hours a night. Do you need some tips on how to handle your sleepless toddler? Would you like to know what other parents have successfully done to help their child sleep at night? Then read this article that will give you some tips to help solve your child's sleep problems.

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Healthy habits.

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Parents of children who are having trouble sleeping at night need to have a look at some of the factors, such as diet, playtime, and routines. The most important of these three factors is the child's diet. Your child's diet before bedtime can have adverse affects on their behavior. You will want to avoid any snacks and caffeinated beverages, like colas or tea. Snacking before bedtime is not only unhealthy, it will only give the child more energy to burn, and caffeinated products will just keep them awake. Establish a rule that forbids snacking after dinner, and limit any drinking to water only. This will set your child up for the normal sleeping process, and hopefully healthy habits.

Nightly routines.

Other measures that a parent can take are bedtime routines that start before bedtime. All children need routines that are consistent and expected. Successful parents find that if they set up bedtimes routines that rarely change, their toddlers begin to accept the routine and establish a pattern of better sleep during the night. One suggestion is to schedule a bath time and a story time before tucking them in for bed. The warm bath will relax the child, and the bedtime story is a way to give your child attention before they go to sleep. If you are consistent with the routine, your child will feel more comfortable at bedtime.

Playtime activities.

Most parents do not realize that wake time routines are just as important as bed time routines. Parents of young children need to establish routines during the day, including wake up times. Successful parenting comes from engaging their child with activities that keeps the little tykes busy. If you are a parent that exercises, encourage the toddler to exercises with you, they are usually more than willing to emulate your behavior. Other playtime activities could include outside activities such as trips to the playground, or some playtime with yard toys when weather permits. When the child begins to tire, or if they require a nap, limit the amount of time spent napping so they do not recharge for a late night.

Toddler Sleep Problems - Bedtime Routines
Baby Play Yard

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